About | CoupleTalk


CoupleTalk: Cracking the Code to an Amazing Relationship is a two-part video-based program that offers a set of powerful communication tools for couples.  In Part 1: Cracking the Code to a Deeper Connection, couples practice new listening and speaking tools that connect them. In Part 2: Cracking the Code to Resolving Conflict, couples learn how to handle tough topics and delicate issues so they fight less and connect more.  Click here for more on CoupleTalk >>>


Don and Alexandra (Alex) Flecky are the authors and creators of CoupleTalk. Married since 1980, the Fleckys have been teaching and helping couples build stronger marriages for over 35 years.  Click here for more about Don and Alex >>>

CoupleTalk LIVE!

CoupleTalk LIVE! brings the Fleckys to you and your community. Don and Alex are experienced communicators who have taught thousands of couples on six continents. CoupleTalk LIVE! is offered either live on Zoom, or live in-person in your church or community center. It’s flexibility means it works for larger group seminar-type settings, weekend couples retreats, date night events, or other formats.  Click here for more on CoupleTalk LIVE! >>>

Session Titles

The CoupleTalk Program has two parts: Part 1 – a Deeper Connection and Part 2 – Handling Conflict. View a complete list of all Titles and Descriptions for each Session in the two parts. Click here to visit the Session Titles page >>>

Sample Video Clips

CoupleTalk is designed to be an engaging and entertaining video experience for couples to learn how to communicate and connect at a deeper level.

Click below to see several excerpts taken from CoupleTalk showing various aspects of this video-based program. Click here to see the Sample Video Clips >>>

The Video Couples

The CoupleTalk Video Couples are the six real life couples who experienced Don and Alex’s teaching while recording the video series. Watch live interviews with all six couples – from what they hoped to get from CoupleTalk before the program, to how their relationship improved after taking part in CoupleTalk.  Click here to hear about their CoupleTalk experience >>>


Read Testimonies from some of the many couples who have used, and are still using, the CoupleTalk Program. Click here to view Couple Testimonies >>>

RRF Nonprofit

Relationship Research Foundation, Inc. (RRF) is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, founded in 2000 and dedicated to increasing the well-being of children, families and society by giving individuals and couples educational experiences to cultivate life-long healthy, happy marriages. Over the last 24 years, more than 20,000 participants have learned healthy relationship skills in online and in-person formats. Click here for more about RRF >>>


Have a question about CoupleTalk? About Hosting a CoupleTalk Class? Or maybe about CoupleTalk LIVE!?  Click here to find answers to frequently asked questions >>>