CoupleTalk – Part 2 – Universal | CoupleTalk

CoupleTalk Part 2:

Cracking the Code to Handling Conflict

In CoupleTalk Part 2: Cracking the Code to Handling Conflict, you’ll build on what you learned in Part 1, to tackle those nagging issues, even the issue of nagging! You will learn – and use – practical tools to manage disagreements, handle strong emotions, and repair your relationship when it’s been damaged. During the video sessions, you will work through a conflict from “start” (approaching your partner) to “finish” (practical solutions that satisfy both). As a result of CoupleTalk, you’ll have better communication, feel closer, and resolve conflict faster!

NOTE: There is a separate workbook for CoupleTalk Part 2. If you have not yet ordered your workbooks, please visit the STORE page.

Session 6: Getting a Grip… on Your Emotions

Tornados seem to come from out of nowhere. One moment all seems well, then subtle changes occur in the weather, and just when that gray sky starts to look more threatening than a normal cloudy day, the tornado descends, leaving a path of destruction in its wake.

When it comes to conflict, emotions are at the root of many destructive “storms” in marriage.

Click here for Session 6 >>>

Session 7: Digging Deeper During Disagreements

What happens when you have a disagreement? Do you push for your already-decided-upon solution? Are you open to hearing another perspective or idea from your partner? Do you both get more and more entrenched in your own positions – and further apart as husband and wife? In Digging Deeper During Disagreements, you’ll learn a different way to handle conflict. You’ll reach a more satisfying solution, and get closer to each other in the process.

Click here for Session 7 >>>

Session 8: Finding the Win-Win-Win

Problem solving is hard work. Working through a problem, making decisions, and finding a solution so both partners feel good about the outcome is very hard work. Too often when problems get “solved,” only one side wins and the other side loses.

In a marriage, problem-solving situations come up all the time. How would you describe your problem-solving pattern with your spouse?.

Click here for Session 8 >>>

Session 9: Moving Beyond “I’m Sorry”

In intimate, committed, life-long marriages, there’s a different way to handle hurts – a deeper way – beyond a quick “I’m sorry” or a stony silence. Moving Beyond “I’m Sorry” will help you get to a safe place so hurts can be genuinely healed and forgiven, enhancing your long-term prospects for a happy marriage.

Click here for Session 9 >>>

Session 10: Making CoupleTalk the New Normal

You’ve reached your final session of CoupleTalk – but you’re not finished growing as a couple, are you? There’s still so much more to explore, isn’t there? For marriage to last a lifetime there has to be a way to manage the adjustments, the changes, the crises – all those situations and circumstances that life will be throwing at you as a couple.

Click here for Session 10 >>>

Host Resources

If you are hosting CoupleTalk in a group setting, then this is the information you need to make the most of your time together. The videos available here will help to set the stage. What is CoupleTalk? What are the goals for each session? How do you facilitate the couple exercises? Learn what you’ll need to succeed with CoupleTalk.

Click here for Host Resources >>>