Below are several excerpts taken from CoupleTalk showing various aspects of this video-based program.
Please note that any clip that simultaneously displays a workbook page along with the video, is for sample purposes only. The workbook pages do not appear onscreen in the video sessions.
Session Intro
This clip is from the first session of CoupleTalk Part 1. Every session starts with the fast-paced opener and an intro from the CoupleTalk Video Hosts, Kyle and Julie Partin.
Dynamic, Interactive Teaching
This sample shows how couples watch brief video teaching then spend time talking with each other about what they learned. Multiple discussion and exercise times make up about one-third of each video session.
Practical and Meaningful Exercises
In CoupleTalk, couples learn new communication skills by doing exercises. In this clip, Don and Alex introduce the Partner Appreciations exercise, one of many exercises included in CoupleTalk. The accompanying workbook page is displayed for this video sample.
Exercises are Clearly Demonstrated
Don and Alex briefly demonstrate – with onscreen reinforcement – how to do the “Appreciations” exercise. The workbook also provides clear instructions for each exercise.
Couples Practice Exercises During Each Session
In this short clip, Don and Alex assign couples to practice the exercise on their own using their own topics. The video is not paused: a Countdown Clock keeps couples on track.
Couples Reflect and Process Each Exercise
In this clip, Don and Alex assign participants to three levels of processing, to deepen the learning. First, each person individually reflects on their own personal experience with the exercise. Next, the Video Couples share their responses to the exercise with Don and Alex and the group. Finally, this “Quick Debrief” time is closed out by a time of talking together privately as a couple.
Session Wrap-Up and Homework
At the end of each session, Video Hosts Kyle and Julie Partin review what was learned and encourage participants to do the between-session homework, called “Making It Real,” in their workbooks.