Pastors | CoupleTalk


“I have seen a lot of programs that don’t have much effect on improving marriages. What Don and Alex have put together is different! The couples who go through CoupleTalk have a stronger relationship with one another and with God! They don’t just learn short lessons on communication… couples learn to connect with one another at a deeper level, for a lifetime.”
Dave Carder, MFT, Author of Torn Asunder and Pastor of Counseling Ministries at First Evangelical Free Church, Fullerton, CA

“We had over 50 couples show up. They really enjoyed it, but it also stretched them. They felt like they had been through something really important for their relationship. You’d be doing your families and couples and church a favor by bringing it into your community. It will create awesome marriages!”
– Pastor Gene Maynard, Senior Pastor, Bayside Auburn Church, Auburn, CA
